Welcoming a New Year!

Living Today was introduced about 3 years ago, and probably sums up my "go to" philosophy for living my life each day. Here is a part of the message: Do not let the fast-forward pace of the world deprive you from savoring 'the now'. Seek things that fill you with love and bring you joy. Have faith, it fosters hope - it makes the difference. Believe, with God all things are possible. Live well - live today, for it is a gift.
During this 'in-between-week' of Christmas and New Years, this is good reading material for me - I find that my emotions are all over the boards, I feel:
-a little sad that Christmas is over and the kids have all scattered again
-a little weird that a whole year went by....so fast....again
-a little anxious about another big year ahead...and what will it all bring
-a little bit tight all over - because I ate too many goodies this holiday...again!
-happy I didn't have to go along on the ice fishing trip up north
-joyful and blessed for my beautiful family, good health, and a happy life
I was able to herd everyone together for this quick snapshot right after church on Christmas Ever Day! As you can see, I am now officially the shortest one of the clan (don't let my puffy hair fool you...Zach is officially an inch taller than me!!) Being all together for Christmas was the best gift ever ; )
Sometimes, I find that it really helps to sit down and do some reflection time and also jot my thoughts and ideas down, especially going into the New Year...I found Dr. Ellens "5 Steps to Create a Simpler, Happier, More Satisfying Life in 2017" to be a great road map to do just this!
Meanwhile...back in the studio I really am painting, I promise. If you will recall, I introduced a sneak peak to you a month or so ago of a new series that I was working on. I am still at it and am hoping to unveil the whole group of paintings to you soon, but for now...here is another sneak peak!
Have a safe and Wonderful New Year everyone...I'll be back next year ; )
PS: The studio will be closed Monday, January 2nd