Happy New Year!

HAPPY NEW YEAR friends...I am Margaret, Bonnie's favorite cow - yes she painted me several years ago. We've had many requests for a print of me...what do you think? I am on the "maybe" print list, email us HERE if you vote yes!
We are creatures of habit, aren't we? The new year ALWAYS ushers in with it, a distinct high voltage energy that I can not explain. Even though the crumbs of Christmas still need to be swept up, I find an enormous thrill in reinventing myself every year on January 1st! This year is no exception! I rushed out to hand pick the perfect 2017 planner on December 30th and have already begun plotting the new year's journey with great excitement, wonder and panic, I mean planning! (good gosh what happened - the year is already 1/90th of the way over,!!) But I love it all...the clean white pages, the new story waiting to unfold, and the hopefulness of all the new paintings to come this year! Which leads me to this story - sometime last year, can't remember exactly where, when, or why, but I vaguely remember this epiphany "SOME DAY IS NOW" and it became my new garment label. What became of this revelation, is that there comes a time in your life, where you need to get serious about doing things, and living out the direction of your wants and needs in real time, instead of waiting and hoping it will happen someday. It was then and there I confirmed my decision to move forward with the idea of renovating Bonnie Mohr Studio.
For those of you who have visited already, you will get in on the whole "before and after" concept...for those of you who haven't, this will be a great reason to plan on attending our 2017 Holiday Open House!! So get out your calendar and mark "Go to Bonnie Mohr Studio Open House", you can write it on these dates: November 3-4 and December 1-2!! It is going to be real exciting!!
So...Please be patient with me as this new year rolls out...while I have goosebumps at the thoughts of how cool this transformation will be, I know my intense paint hand will be screaming at me for painting time - I promise to do my best ; ) MANY details to come in upcoming blogs - I hope you will follow along ; )
Meanwhile, it just wouldn't be right if I didn't share with you my top 5 New Year's Resolutions - you know what they say you have to tell someone, so you foster that real commitment or something like that???
5. Make at least one turkey every month. Where did we ever come up with the idea that turkeys are only holiday food?..how darn good (and healthy) is turkey meat! I am excited about this one!
4. Wash my face and brush my teeth before 8 pm. There is something about nodding off or going into zombie land after 10 or 11 pm, and then it becomes a "skip night"...I think this is one of my best resolutions yet!
3. Drink more water and wine. Enough said! Ha
2. Volunteer. This is something I forget to do - in the hubbub of the utter noise and craziness in our world. I get too busy to embrace some of the best things in life that bring REAL JOY into our lives...one of those things is volunteering. I'm not listing a number of times here...a person hates to break too many rules, but I am going to give it my best shot. I've always wanted to be a bell ringer for the Salvation Army!
1. Start a JOYFUL JOURNEY Journal. Since I do not journal (besides this blog) this will be a REAL CHALLENGE for me. I've come to believe that when you focus on being thankful for what you have, joy and peace are the unconditional gifts that begin to smoother your mind, body, and soul. Someday is now - I am on page 4 of my JOYFUL JOURNEY Journal!
Have a great year friends ; )