Update on NEW ART!

My worst 'artist moment' nightmare has become a reality. Our boys were horsing around in my studio when I was gone to a meeting last night....from what I have since learned - tearing around the house chasing each other for no good reason is more like it (that's just what boys do!) and they knocked my new painting off the easel...accidentally of course. The canvas caught the corner of my work table as it went down - cutting the upper left third of it, which now flops over like a sow's ear! BOYS!! (This is me screaming at the top of my lungs!!) Are you kidding me - no one but an artist truly understands the magnitude of this disaster and how you can even think about repairing it. Actually, neither do I - April Fools! Did I get you? I know, it is a terrible thing - but I just had to!! The painting is safe and sound...pictures coming soon, I promise!!
Meanwhile...my best 'spring moment' has happened (for real)! I saw my first robin this past week For those of you who don't live in the upper Midwest where winter temperatures are unbearable and most of the birds leave here for the winter (as well as most people :) - the return of birds is really a big deal. Especially the red breasted, beautiful robin! They are the official welcome to spring - and at the top of my Big 10 List for things I love about spring!
Today will be mega-busy....Orthodontist appt. in the morning for the boys and then off to the cities with my newest painting for pre-press work. I realize you have not seen this image yet, and as I struggled this morning to get a good picture of it, nothing seemed to work - the colors that showed up on my camera were far from the truth - and so I abandoned that idea and resorted to my robin picture. This painting is called TODAY and is a cousin version to LIVING TODAY....more details will to follow, as soon as I get film on this piece and will post in a week or two.
The rest of the week will fly by with Holy Week preparations and Easter just 4 days away! I will be cooking this year so I need to finish up my menu. What are your plans? Traveling? Cooking? Church? Easter egg hunting? Wishing you a Blessed weekend ahead with your family and loved ones!
Thanks for reading.....................Happy Easter!
With Love -