The Start of Fall!

Bonnie's September print pick, PUMPKIN PATCH. Available as a print or canvas giclee, details HERE!
Despite the five hundred gazillion mosquitoes we have in MN, it is a beautiful day here ; ) It is NOT raining today, the sun is shining, and there is little to no humidity! And there is a boatload of things on.
The great MN Get Together is happening - yes, yes...the MN State Fair is in full swing, day 7! Please do not spend too much time looking for us there, as we are not exhibiting this year! You can, however, find us HERE - shop online and you can free up your hands at the fair for cheese curds and important things like that ; )
Our gardens are bursting with produce this summer...we've had an abundance of heat and rain - it is a produce frenzy! Just look at what you can do with it - this is one of my favorite recipes 'Suzy's Salsa' - you will love the robust freshness and flavor of this fresh salsa! Click HERE for the recipe.
Yeah for all Summer Interns - especially Taylor Mohr, daughter number 3!! Taylor has just completed her summer internship with Target Corporation and has been offered a FT position in their marketing department!! Congrats Taylor - and would you just look at what MN talent can do with Lego's!!
School is starting - Jake is a Senior and Zach is a Freshman this year - another "I can't believe it" moment for me ; ) Best wishes for all sad children and happy moms as another new school year begins....kidding - I already miss my boys ; )
The 2017 Legacy Cow Calendars are HERE!! We are just as excited as you are, they have just arrived into the studio and we are ready to ship your order today.
THANK YOU - THANK YOU for all the kind and warm comments about the new video we posted last week on our website home page. I am extremely blessed to be supported and loved by such a wonderful audience - your friendships brings reason and purpose to my work, thank you from the bottom of my heart. If you missed it, check it out on our website homepage!
We are BUSY preparing for World Dairy Expo - more details HERE! We are receiving LOTS of new giftware into the shop daily - more details later!
I am busy painting on a bunch of new pieces - more details soon!
Mark your calendars now for our Nov. & Dec. Holiday Open Houses - more details HERE!
And tomorrow... September 1st - my favorite month of the year, I probably won't even be able to sleep tonight!!
Thanks for reading - have a lovely day!