Happy New Year and Welcome to 2013! At the beginning of January, every year - without fail, I feel astonished that it is a new year. The fact that 365 days have fleeted away so quickly...and I find myself quietly reflecting on all the events that have come and gone during these past 12 months. Feelings of both happiness and disappointment fill my mind as I recall some of the various events that have passed by and are now a memory. I am especially thankful though, for the most joyful moments of the past year - invariable they are the simple pleasures, and quiet moments of routine daily living with my family and friends. A peaceful walk with one of the kids on a calm summer evening, the giggles of kids who just caught a 15 lb. carp out of the river, the cheering that follows all of the 'blown out' candles on a cake, the rejoicing when a lost game jersey is found in the laundry, the long awaited malt at the annual county fair, the canning, the pickling, the sight of grandma and grandpa driving into the yard for a visit, and the list goes on! How blessed we are to live in America, how blessed we are to have family and friends and work and routine to spin the golden memories of the days of our lives. My paintings this coming year will continue to reflect who I am, and the things I love - the simple joys of life. Thank you for sharing in the journey of my artwork and the routine of my life! Happy New Year and thanks for reading! Bonnie
June 03, 2013
The Joy of Routine!