June 03, 2013
Graduation Buzz

For some, the month of March means drinking green beer and frolicking about in shamrock wear (personally, I go for the Shamrock Shakes at McDonald's - love 'em!), but for many other moms, all across America, it is the month to "get in gear!!" There's a high school senior living in your house and a party to plan!! For those of you who have already traveled this path, you can empathize with the intensity of this occasion. For those of you who haven't, plan for something sort of like a casual hike to the top of a mountain : ) Our house is buzzing with pre-graduation activities as we are fully engaged in all the events that accompany the family of a graduating senior! No matter how manifested, there is a list, one mile long, that needs to be completed by May 27th. We are on our 3rd of 5 children graduating. Oddly, but interestingly enough, I have the same feelings as when the kids were born. Sheer panic for the first, on edge for the second, and a definite more casual approach for the third. By the time we get to the fifth child, I think I will turn it over to my expert kitchen staff and relax! We have "checked" off the college visits, filled out the FAFSA and scholarship applications, set the party date, ordered the invitations, and planned the menu. But, this week's event is the most intense of all - getting those scrap books done! Frankly, I'm not sure which activity is more extreme - doing these scrapbooks or getting thrown under a bus. Kidding! Honestly, I don't remember the last time I laughed so hard, as I sat and reminisced through all those old pictures yesterday. All I know for sure is this - back in the day, when you thought you looked great (maybe even "hot!"), with that big hair and even bigger glasses...you didn't. There should have been a law about selling anyone glasses bigger than their face. Seriously. Well, enough about all this. I have scrapping to do! Be well, be safe, be happy, and senior moms, be scrapping! Thanks for reading... Bonnie