The First Spring Robin

You're not going to believe this! On my return walk to the house this morning, from the studio - I SAW MY FIRST SPRING ROBIN! This is a record - March 9th!! Seeing the first robins of the spring put a delight in my heart like nothing else. I looked further into the backyard and saw a whole flock of them, ran to the house to get my camera and snapped this awesome picture just an hour ago ; ) Life really is about the little things for me!
Back to the studio today to sign, number, and personalize the I DO print for the lucky couple who won it in our recent I DO print giveaway! Congratulations again to Clayton and JoJo who will be getting married this May - we wish all the happiness in the world! We had an inquiry in regards to the promotion we ran following this giveaway, "What does personalization mean?". If you wish for me to write a special note, the names and dates of a wedding or anniversary to make your print extra special, I will handwrite this information at the bottom of the print. What a great way to make something special even more unique and a keepsake forever. When you shop online - there is a place you can add 'Personalization' for that print and write the information you would like.
I am busy putting things in my life, house, and studio back in order from the crazy busy last 6 weeks or so. Between the wedding, vacation, and the usual hum of a dairy farm and family - my painting time has been nonexistent. There is a sort of emptiness in my spirit when I am not working (painting) and so I can't even tell you how excited I am to get back to it.....PLUS it is Daylight Savings Time this weekend. I don't know about you, but more daylight in the evening = more productivity for me! Or it just makes me happier, or something?? Don't forget to set your clocks on Saturday!
With Love from Minnesota -