We are having a beautiful summer here in Minnesota. The warm summer days and adequate rain fall are providing for lush green pastures and shoulder high corn already!
AROUND THE STUDIO... Today I will be working on some border designs for two Christmas Card images that have been selected for use through a card company. It's so hard to be inside on these nice sunny summer days - but an artist has to do what an artist has to do!! I should finish the military painting I've been working on within a week, so maybe you will get to see it next week!
COW TALES AND FARM NEWS... Busy days on the farm. Most of the spring babies have arrived, with a few stragglers each week. John is busy with making the 'new seeding' hay right now. Thankfully, we've had recent rains to green things up and get things growing. Our German trainee, Chris, is a blessing to our farm and a welcomed addition to our family. His family recently came for a visit to the US for two weeks. They were with us for 5 days - wonderful people !!
FAMILY MATTERS... Just now posting these great shots of our graduation celebration for oldest daughter Amanda, first of our five kids to graduate. Yes, like all other moms and dads... it is the moment you pray for - to get your children through high school and send them on, into life! We are proud of you Amanda, it is a bittersweet feeling to let you go!..she will be off to college to Duluth, MN this fall. We had a lovely party with plenty to feast on - thanks girls for picking up the watermelon!! It was a beautiful warm day with a wonderful reception on our farm. We had a busy month of June with 27 graduation parties to attend (forget about gaining weight during the holidays - that's nothing compared to 27 graduation parties!!) More on the rest of our family activities in next weeks blog! Wishing you all time to enjoy the summer! Thanks for reading...