Spring Has Arrived!
It appears that spring is arriving early this year - we have just enjoyed a week long run of 60 degree weather!! Although we are dipping back into the 40's and 50's this week and next, it all feels wonderful, especially after the brutal winter we experienced last year. And, it is pretty official in my books - as I saw my first Robin yesterday hopping about on our front lawn. March surprises me every year.... one day you are sitting down for Christmas dinner, and the next you are celebrating the Luck of the Irish. The basketball season is done, Lent is more than half over, Daylight Savings time is engaged, and people are back to wearing shorts (even if it's only 40 degrees)! Just in time to celebrate all these 'signs of spring', I'm slowly mending from my 'official spring cold'.....is there anything worse? The area of skin between my chapped nose and cracked lips feels like raw cow hide - apparently this strain of 'cold virus' runs about 7-10 days, and I am here to confirm that it is true - I am on day 8, and just finally starting to feel better!
Bonnie Mohr Studio has enjoyed several tour groups during the past few weeks - always a lot of fun to have visitors from near and out of state as well! If your group would like to visit our studio, we would love to have you.....call and plan a trip our way. You are also invited to tour the dairy farm, and there are several other wonderful shops in the local area you can also visit including a winery, pottery, quilt, and artisan shops. Also, just a reminder to SAVE THE DATE - our Celebrate Spring Sale is just a month away now - Saturday, April 18! You will enjoy 'Specials' in the shop, unique yard sale items, and come early of course for 'Becky Bakes' fabulous muffins for breakfast starting at 7 am!
Time to put on my shorts, grab a new box of Kleenex and get to work.....
Thanks for reading and I hope that wherever you are...you are enjoying the arrival of spring!