Yes, our children are truly chips off the old blocks!! Each one of them have been hands on, preparing their animals for the recent Region 7 & and MN State Jr. Holstein Shows. All three girls have attended the MN Gopher Dairy Camp and have learned more about clipping and fitting their animals for the show season. All fared quite well on show day, but mostly had fun seeing their "cow friends" from across the state of MN and having water fights on the wash racks. Good job children!! And so, with this last week of June already on stage, I am reminded that the days of summer are already starting to get shorter. In between the work load of life and the hustle of transporting everyone everywhere....... I hope you will find a little time to drink a glass of lemonade on the porch, throw a baseball with a child, make a campfire in the backyard (watch the s'more intake!) and take a walk down a country gravel road to hear all the beautiful sounds of rural America....... after all, this is what summer is all about! Thanks for reading......