June 05, 2013
And so it begins...

I am finally getting acclimated to computer technology, and thought we would give a blog a "go" and see what happens!! Things at Bonnie Mohr Studio and life on our farm, "Glenmark Genetics, Inc." continues to move at tornado speed.......spring planting is now complete (corn, soybeans & alfalfa), the kids are winding up their spring sport activities, Jacob (our oldest son), made his First Communion, the flowers are planted (forget the garden-I shop at The Farmer's Market!), and Bonnie Mohr Studio is humming right along. A quick update for everyone, our beloved Marketing Manager, Linda Welch, who was with our staff for 8 years has completed her position here, and has recently left to pursue other ambitions. We greatly miss her, and dedicate this first Blog to Linda........Thank you Linda for 8 outstanding years of dedication and hard work and many, many good times filled with laughter and fun!! You are a remarkable woman, we all wish you many happy years ahead filled with golfing, golfing and more golfing!!!!!!!!
I also take this opportunity to welcome our new Marketing Manager - Carolyn Fiecke! She brings an outstanding resume to our studio, filled with excellent job experience in the many areas of office, shipping, and marketing duties. So far, so good. She has already helped us chase cows, embraced 5 rambunctious children, had to work through several lunch hours and she continues to come back each day...we are thankful and already love Carolyn!! So exactly what is it that I am working on in the Studio?.........not much. Kidding. I am just wrapping up a wonderful painting project which will be rolling out very quickly for Fort Dodge Animal Health. They recently commissioned me to create a picturesque dairy scene to be used in the promotion of their "Today" and "Tomorrow" Mastitis and Dry Cow Tubes. Customers will be able to receive a limited edition print, and/or notecards, of this new painting entitled, 'Dawn Of A New Day', with the purchase of "Today" and "Tomorrow" tubes. Their promotion will run during the summer of '07. Prints of this new dairy scene will be available later this year, through Bonnie Mohr Studio. Also awaiting my return, is a half completed winter scene, sitting in my studio. This 'red barn' snow scene will be featured on the cover of the bi-monthly magazine, "Minnesota Moments" this coming November/December.....more on this later.
Well, that's about all I have time for today. I will try to keep this blog fresh, about every week or two. Oh yes, one other thing. We have started an e-newsletter, which will go out about 6 times/year with new releases or specials or updates, if you would like to get a copy, please contact us with your email address. Thanks for reading Have a Great day,