September Celebrations!

It's here! SEPTEMBER!! My favorite month of the year!!! Why do I love September............the list is long, but at the top is 'everything pumpkin' , the start of fall harvest, cooler nights (which means sweatshirt weather - my favorite ;) and my birthday of course!! Although the shift into autumn is bittersweet, the new routine of the kids being back in school, football games, and the familiar preparation for World Dairy Expo (WDE) are all part of the every year 'normal' I also love about September. Speaking of World Dairy Expo - the heat is on! Three weeks from today, we will already be half way through our biggest show of the year! This year, we celebrate our 30th year as an exhibitor of this spectacular international dairy event.If you have ever had an inkling to see the world's finest dairy cows in world class competition, experience over 800 commercial exhibitors, see the beautiful city of Madison Wisconsin, and visit the Bonnie Mohr Studio booths - plan to make the trip! The show opens on Tuesday, September 29 and runs through Saturday October 3rd. It is at the Dane County Fairgrounds, in Madison. We will be offering 10% off everything this year at WDE in celebration of our 30th year - with other specials too! We hope to see you there.
We are busy packing, preparing, and printing!I spent the entire day in Minneapolis yesterday finalizing pre-press proofing and was on press with all the new art late afternoon, into early evening, and then into later evening! It was a very L O N G, productive, and EXCITING day! For most artists, myself included, printing day is a mixed bag of emotions. After months of painting what you hope to be your best work yet - using just the perfect colors, you go through 'color proofing' with your color house and printer, achieving the 'very closest color match' you possibly can - sacrificing a little. Then comes press day - even with today's best technology and formulas, ink is not a match for oil paint........and so you do your very best to achieve the closest match possible, but there is always a small feeling of 'close, very close....but, shoot, not 100%'! Anyway - it was a very good day - overall - things went great - and I am extremely excited that the new artwork will be ready for sale in a couple of weeks. Check and our Facebook page often for more details!
I close with one of my most favorite, self created pumpkin recipes! Simply pour your best cup of coffee, add 3-4 shakes of pumpkin pie spice, and French Vanilla creamer.........whalla......... I love going out for coffee as much as the next guy, but it is not always convenient and this cost me about .20 cents a cup compared to $5! You will love this ; )
Happy beginning of Autumn -