Preparing for Fall

While driving to the cities yesterday, I couldn't help but to notice the new pallet of color across the countryside.....beautiful shades of gold, yellow and orange beginning to unfold as autumn is settling in and the crops mature. And then, just when I least expected it - there was a guy hauling pumpkins - not even sure how I got this picture since you should never drive and take pictures at the same time!! He turned off on this round-a-bout, never to be seen again........but this pictures truly made my day : )
And you are asking.....why was I off to the cities....AGAIN? There are moments in our lives, when things just don't go as planned. I've had a week like that. Last Wednesday's blog, as you recall was my day in the cities printing new artwork. It was a long day, with 3 forms that ran. While on press, you make color changes as you print in order to get the best match possible to your color proof. One of the forms just didn't run well - the color was just not in the ball park, but I talked myself into thinking it was ok, and that it would look better did not. We put this form back on press Monday, and pulled it again, after an hour or two of 'tweaks' and color adjusting - we realized it just wasn't happening and it needed to go back into 'prepress' for some adjusting. As they say, third time's a charm, and so it was back to the cities yesterday for a third run at printing. It was a successful day and the form of new art ran well - maybe not an exact match to the original, but certainly a good printing! We are our own worst critiques and I can vouch for that - 'printing day' is one of my least favorite tasks as an artist - because you want perfection on press, and it can be a struggle.
We are working hard to get all this new art loaded onto the website, framed for World Dairy Expo, and ready to release NEXT WEEK!
Be sure to check back soon! Meanwhile, here is a flashback to last year's display at the Exhibition Hall at World Dairy Expo....dear friend and helper Jayne is hard at work. Did I ever mention that Jayne has attended every single WDE with me!!??!! This will be her 30th show too!! As I have been digging out old pictures of our booth, I realize that we haven't aged a bit (LOL) but that the hair, clothes and glasses that we thought looked so cute 'THEN', really didn't - and so if I have the courage to put these together in a frame and hang them at WDE - be sure to stop by for a good laugh ; )
Back to work....only 10 days until we are Madison WI bound!
Thanks for reading...........