Preparing for WDE!

It is a busy day around Bonnie Mohr prep for World Dairy Expo is in high gear!  Things are coming together nicely for a great show this year.  The most exciting news... will be debut our new children's book ONCE THERE WERE NO COWS.  I spent most of yesterday signing and numbering 1,000 of the books...(details HERE on our website; both regular edition and signed & numbered books are available).  IT IS SO EXCITING!  The books arrived here on Monday.  After 10 months of working on this project, it felt great to actually hold a book in my hand and realize it has all come together in time to bring the books to Expo!  I am very pleased with the quality of the entire book and am so excited to begin sharing it with you ; )

Pictured in this week's blog are the faces you will see this week at WDE....myself, Alyssa, Nancie & Jayne - just as soon as we get this trailer loaded - we will hit the salon for some hair and nail treatments and head east for Madison!  We'll see many of you real soon.  A hearty thank you to Lana, Karen, Teresa, & Carolyn, who have put long hours in these past week to help with all the preparations for this big show! I love you all - thanks for being the best staff ever!!

Happy Trails to everyone heading to Madison this coming week for the big World Dairy Expo.

Happy Autumn to everyone who loves this season as much as I do! And...

Happy Birthday to me ;)  Yup....tomorrow, I'm the birthday girl.....(39 and holding!! LOL)

Thanks for reading!



CLICK HERE for more info on WDE.