The book has been printed, the website is updated for ordering, and the excitement is happening!  My new children's book ONCE THERE WERE NO COW is ready to pre-order with a variety of options available, including your choice of 8 prints from within the book!  We are expecting the books to arrive to Bonnie Mohr Studio sometime within the next week, and pre-orders will begin shipping around October 1st. For those of you planning to attend World Dairy Expo, we will be selling ONCE THERE WERE NO COWS books and prints at the show, with personalizing available!

There have been a lot of pre-orders already flowing into the shop, thank you, thank you ;)  The success of this book for me, is that you will love and enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed creating it. Today, I would like to share an excerpt from the book:

"God longed for companionship and life that would dance and play and roam on the beautiful world He created, and so He blessed the earth with animals and creatures that swam and flew and traveled about.  God desired human companionship too -  someone to care for His creatures and be a guardian to watch over the earth.  So God breathed deeply and using dust from the ground ... He formed Adam and Eve.  What a happy day this was!"

To read more and order your copy of ONCE THERE WERE NO COWS, click this link.

Life in general is full speed ahead right now. We are working hard to be packed and on the road in 10 days for World Dairy Expo, my boys are busy hunting geese, duck, and deer (bow & arrow), my husband, John, has begun fall harvesting, we are well into the GSL Panther Football season with our youngest son who plays on the 7th grade team, and I have trimmed the front porch with mums and pumpkins!  Love this season ;)

Enjoy this beautiful month - Thanks for reading.....
