Pola-Czesky Days!!

AROUND THE STUDIO... So I must come clean... even though I promised a new painting by the next blog, I have been unsuccessful to complete the next one yet!! No excuses... just too much family activity going on. This is when one must be flexible and just enjoy what God puts into our paths each day, and try not to fret too much about the paintings that aren't getting completed. I know all things will come in good time. Stay posted. We were happy to entertain another group of Red Hat Ladies last week in the Studio, thanks for stopping by - what a fun bunch!! 

COW TALES AND FARM NEWS... third crop hay is being chopped as I write this. We won't have much tonnage though... it has been dry, very dry. The cows don't like such hot weather either, the bulk tank stick shows it!! But then, we can't complain - some farmers have been hailed out, drown out or are dryer than we are. So, we keep the faith that things will turn out ok. 

FAMILY MATTERS... lots to report in this department. We spent the entire weekend celebrating our famous Silver Lake Pola-Czesky days! What fun!! Small town celebrations are the best, and it's a chance for the community to come together and share good times. Our oldest daughter Amanda wrapped up her reign as Princess, we are pictured here with her at the Saturday night Queen's Ball. It was a perfect 75 degree evening with a sky full of stars and fireworks at 10pm too! Jacob and Zachary both did well in the Pedal Pull, no trophies but they had fun trying. Also pictured here are Heather, Sara and Amanda, on Sunday, their last day of the official reigning court of Silver Lake Pola-czesky Royalty - a job well done girls - we are all so proud of you. And folks, no where but Silver Lake, MN during our famous Pola-czesky Days can you see a finer competition of TOILET BOWL RACING! I am the proud wife of the CHAMPION Toilet Bowl racer John Mohr and his partner (and engineer of this fine machine I might add) Steve Dennison! Great job fellas! Katelyn is busy getting the show box in order for the fair next week, and is wrapping up her job at the sheep farm to make time for the fairs coming up. Taylor will arrive back home today, after her week at gymnastics camp. Thank you for all the visitors that have stopped by the studio!! We hope to see many of you at the MN State Fair, August 21-September 1st. Thanks for reading, have a wonderful summer day!