May is for Mother's Day!
Maybe because I am a mom myself....or maybe because I have such a great mom and mom-in-law, Mother's Day is a highlight of this month for me! It is the one day of the year I do not pick up socks, do laundry, or clean the kitchen - it is a day of celebrating motherhood and letting the kids pamper me ;) The days of receiving 'a sunflower growing in a cup' or 'a paper mache picture frame' have now passed, but I am still adorned with lots of cards - both homemade and bought, a home cooked meal made by John and the kids, and my annual trip to the Dairy Queen for a chocolate dipped cone (there you have it, my number one treat in the whole wide world! :)
As you know, in celebration of Mother's Day - we just ran a two day promotion on Facebook - Wow - thank you everyone for such a great response - so many wonderful words and 'wow' moms out there!! We are happy to announce our winner today - Diane Alsleben! Congratulations!! Please email us with your contact information.
I am posting my most favorite painting which reminds me of Mother's Day - Peony Magenta! :)
The busyness of a farm climaxes during two times of the year, at least in my opinion.....spring and fall. In both seasons, the frenzie of working long hours at a clipper pace are the norm. In the past few weeks the soil has been tilled, the rocks picked, the crops planted, many new calves have arrived, the lots have been cleaned, cattle sorted and moved to new pastures, and the garden is in!
Over the years, my talents as a gardener have come along....slow but sure. I don't like to weed, I hate being eaten by insects, and being 'dust covered' in my own sweat is not at the top of my list either. However - I have grown to love and appreciate the goodness of a garden. There simply is no better enjoyment in life than eating whole foods produced in your own garden, not to mention the awesome salsa and pickles that become of it ;) We shall see what this year yields!
My other favorite things of May include our hedge of Lilacs. It is the one time of the year our dairy farm smells different - more like the fragrance counter at Macy's! Lilacs are as aromatic as they are beautiful! If you don't have any - maybe you can borrow some from the neighbor - mom would love a bouquet of these sitting on the counter this Mother's Day!
Looks like I have run out of time to write about my painting today - please stop by next week for an update (I am working on something new ;)
HAPPY MAY - thanks for reading................