Spring Planting!

This is a picture perfect week in MN - there is sunshine in the forecast every single day and there is a tractor in every field - spring planting is full tilt! Whether you are a farmer, just love the country, or have a genuine interest in the workforce that puts food on your table - rural America and the farmers who make it all happen are hard at work! My husband John boy is a part of the spring hustle, from 5am to 9 pm these days! In the fields, moving cattle, scraping the lots, and spring calving - when the weather turns there just aren't enough hours in the day it seems! The garden is tilled too, waiting it's turn for plants and seeds - hopefully we will get to it this weekend!
These are the days it is hard to sit indoors and paint - but the show must go on! By the end of the day, I should have the verbiage for my new farmer painting complete and only a day of tweaks remain on the painting itself. Plans are to get this painting to the cities next week for film work (the first stage to get it into reproduction). Painting the wording is a rather slow and tedious process - but I love the heartfelt and genuine warm feeling it gives to the final product, rather than photoshopping it in. Each has their place, but I am loving the look of this verse being hand painted. Please stay tuned for more updates soon!
There is still plenty of time to order mom her favorite Bonnie Mohr print for Mother's Day! My personal picks are Peony Magenta, The Beautiful Cow, and Pride n Joy! Our online store will also allow you to personalize your print with the matting and framing of your choice! A perfect touch for a new spring look - she will love this ;)
Back to painting (just as soon as I go check the rhubarb patch - I'm betting there is enough to make up a Rhubarb Torte for supper tonight - yum!) Happy Spring!
Cheers and thanks for reading............................