Already the daylight is stretching longer into the evening - one of my favorite times of the year. The measurable daylight, growing longer, and longer into the days assures us spring isn't too far off. MN has been unusually mild this year, with hardly any snow to speak of - OH JOY!! We had enough snow last year to make up for about 5 winters. I would admit though, it keeps me indoors and on track with my painting schedule, while visions of frolicking in the warm sunny outdoors dance in my head! A question popped up from my last blog...'what does FFA stand for'. My apologies - sometimes you just assume, everyone lives in the same world you do, not true : ) FFA stands for the FUTURE FARMERS OF AMERICA. Although in it's infancy, it had a very rural - farm based orientation consisting of only boys, it has grown to be a developmental youth (school based) program for both boys and girls encompassing the growth of leadership, competitive and life skills dealing with all phases of agriculture and agribusiness. I hope this helps! My painting for the MN FFA Foundation continues, and is nearing the finish line. Another week or so should wrap it up. Work is also fully engaged on a painting commission for the Holstein Association of America! I am in progress of recreating the True Type Model Holstein Cow and Bull paintings! Join me next week for more on this very exciting project!! Meanwhile, we are preparing to release a new image in print, titled 'RENEW'. I've made several trips to and from the cities these past weeks doing the color proofing, and preparing for press. We will update our website and send an email once the prints are ready. A perfect image for the upcoming outdoor season or graduation gift! Thanks for reading........ Bonnie "Nothing gives a day a greater chance than a good wallop of passion." - Max Lucado
June 05, 2013