June 05, 2013
Happy Spring!

There is nothing quite like the arrival of Spring. Truly, one of my favorite moments in life, is seeing the first robin.
Those orange-breasted birds bring great news to the year - Spring is here! It's such a beautiful season, with the infinite shades of green in the yard and across the road in the woods and by the river. Everything just 'popped' this year with our early March rains! The 'newness' of Spring is like an awakening of the world around you, again, like a second chance to life. The birds are vocal, singing loud their casual melodies, as if to say "Wake up, World. Get busy, it's spring!" From a farmer's perspective, Spring can be a difficult time. There's mud, mud, and more mud to deal with. Getting stuck while driving the TMR mixer around to deliver feed to everyone (kind of like meals on wheels - ha) and dealing with milking mud coated cows can be a challenge! But the excitement seems to clamor over the stress of dealing with the wet conditions. From a mom's perspective - getting to pack up and put away the boots, hats, coats, mittens, skates, snowboards, and snow pants is just a great way to declutter and kick off the spring cleaning! So, enough about spring - let's talk painting. The 'We live to Share' painting for the MN FFA Foundation is now 'color corrected' and ready for printing, both canvas giclee and fine art prints. Production will begin early next week - and the excitement continues to build as this painting will soon be available for sale. For more information on purchasing your print please go to www.mnffafoundation.org. Meanwhile....I am putting in some long painting days - working on the new True Type model cow and bull for the Holstein Association of America. Both cow and bull are about 80% complete, and work will begin on the backgrounds next Monday ; ) They are looking great and my conference call with the committee went super well last night - so I am happy to report that things are falling into place - a very good feeling for sure. I am feeling tired today, and am taking the day off of painting for a little break, and getting caught up on paper work, phone calls, etc. Alyssa and I also updated our Bonnie Mohr Studio Facebook Timeline today - so that is quite an accomplishment considering I know little to nothing about it all - this is where good employees make it all possible! Have a wonderful weekend - thanks for reading........ Bonnie