HAPPY NEW YEAR - 2008 to everyone!

January 2, 2008 Another year, another opportunity for fresh beginnings filled with high hopes and expectations. I begin the new year with feelings of excitement and many new ambitions I hope to conquer. Once I get my energy back from the hoopla of the holidays I will begin!! Serious, it was a beautiful and happy time of the year for our family, and I hope your's too. I begin my new year by fulfilling a promise I made to our youngest two children, Jacob & Zachary. Upon moving into our new house 3 years ago, I've been promising them I would decorate their room with lots of 'cool stuff' , including some mural paintings. I completed the 'sports wall' yesterday, which includes all their favorites: wrestling, football and baseball. Next on the pallet is the 'hunting wall'. I've just secured a beautiful 9 point deer head, from a local antique shop on Saturday, and it is already hanging front and center on the wall. I hope to make this a 'one day paint-a-thon'... maybe tomorrow. I'll wrap up the room with a scavenger hunt to the local second hand and antique shops to find some cool night stands, lamps, decoys, and who knows what else! And then, I will return to Bonnie Mohr Studio's? studio? and get back to my real work. Wishing you a happy day and great new year. Thanks for reading!