NO REST FOR THE WILLING... Busy is the buzz word. The countdown is on! Only 10 days remaining until our Graduation Party for Amanda. So much to do, so little time - yikes. Spring is so beautiful, we are all enjoying spring rains and warmer temps. Everything is coming into bloom - LOVE IT! And a happy be-lated Mother's Day to all mothers! Don't you think this should be a week celebration rather than just a day?!
AROUND THE STUDIO... Since I'm immersed in graduation 'stuff', I've put the studio and office into the hands of my staff...hopefully all is going well! Actually, I do check in daily, but my focus right now is getting the yard and house and all the trimmings ready for our Graduation Celebration coming up soon! Do check out our monthly on-line specials though - it's a perfect time of the year to get some 8×10's for a Grad, gifts and weddings!
COW TALES AND FARM NEWS... Yes, more rock work. Last weekend we finished up the two small retaining walls (with field stone) around the white fence by the pasture... which we didn't get to last fall. I don't think I will ever get tired of rock. Each one is like a jewel... different shapes, colors and sizes - and when stacked neatly to form a wall - it is a wonderful piece of art. Thank you John, Corey, Scott and Chris - this was one of my all time best Mother's Days Gifts ever! The cows are still getting milked, and the corn is still coming up! All is well at the farm!
FAMILY MATTERS... This past week, we were off to Zachary's Spring Concert at Holy Family - what a delight! The children sang beautiful songs with lots of energy and movement. We then toured their 'Walk in the Park' Art Show in the basement and had refreshments. Super Job teachers and children, it was a great show! The kids are winding down the school year with projects yet to finish, lots of tests coming up and they all have a fieldtrip on the itinerary. I am busy sorting pictures - 20 years worth I might add (TIP-DO NOT WAIT TO SORT 20 YEARS WORTH OF PICTURES IN A COUPLE OF WEEKS) and putting together a scrapbook for Amanda. I think it will take a prayer and miracle to get this job done!! That's a wrap for this week - HAPPY SPRING to everyone! Thanks for reading...