Goodbye to 2015

I'm not sure why the week of 'in between Christmas and New Years' is both joyful and unsettling to me all at the same time. But it is. Every year. It feels like both the moment of judgment day and the exhilaration of the first day of school, all rolled into one. Like sweet and salty. Like the 'churn up' and the 'flight down' of a rollercoaster. Like the calm before the storm. Unless you are wandering completely aimlessly through life, I believe we all have a list (even if it is lost somewhere or stuffed in the couch sofa) of the things we hoped to accomplish in 2015. I awoke this morning wondering if I had lived up to my own expectations of this past year, but could hardly focus on that journey as it quickly draws to a close, because of the many ideas and inspirations crammed in my brain for the new year. Reflecting back on 2015, I know these things for sure:
1. My life is abundant and blessed with a wonderful family, friends, and staff.
2. I am healthy (minus a few odds and ends).
3. I still love living on a dairy farm, and it is still a great way of life (even if milk prices are in the tank, again).
4. Life is full of surprises and learning opportunities, if we engage and embrace.
5. If you don't give up, despite the seemingly ongoing obstacles, you will succeed in some way.
6. Change - It is more necessary than we sometimes think.
7. Don't over think it, just do it. It will work out.
8. De-clutter, de-clutter, de-clutter. It matters & it will simplify your life (I am still working on this one!)
9. Appreciate what you have. Less really is more. ( I am still working on this one too!)
10. God is good, all the time. There are small miracles happening every day.
The moral of the story for me, is that life is rich and full - it is more than a long list of things that I did or didn't accomplish. It is not a Hallmark movie but a real life adventure filled with unexpected turns and surprises that shape who we are and the roads we travel. My list for the new year is about the same as it was last year: work harder, play more, dream bigger, always give when and where I can.....enjoy the journey EVERYDAY. I would like to share with you one bloggers site that I recently discovered. I am awed by this man's simple idea and the impact it made, not only in the lives of 365 people, and maybe how it changed the world. I hope it will inspire you in the new year to come, I hope you will enjoy reading his story >> Click Here!
Thank you for sharing in my journey as an artist, I am thankful and grateful.....Wishing you all a safe and blessed 2016!