Come One, Come All!

When you are in retail, this is a very confusing time of the year, and I will explain why...I live in a house that is decorated for Halloween (and by the way Zach's Halloween party was a smashing success - it's not that I subconsciously need to feel accepted amongst a group of 15 year old boys but it is kind of cool that they all love me ; ) (and I love them too!), my heart is gravitating towards my most favorite holiday of the year - Thanksgiving, but my mind is focused on our Gala Holiday Open House event THIS WEEKEND - WHOOP WHOOP!
I just hope I remember to wear something red instead of orange...or should I wear orange? Just as long as I remember to wear something I girlfriend recently told me that on her way out the door to work last week, she forgot to grab her pants out of the dryer where she was "de-wrinkling" them and it wasn't until she put on her seat belt and started the car that she realized she was fully dressed and heading to work....without her pants on! OH my-lanta, I'm glad I'm not the only nut case in this world! ha
Anyway, without any further adoo - please be our guest and have a look at what all the excitement is about as we prepare for the Gala Event this weekend and if you can't make it this weekend, no worries, we have another Open House coming up in December, more info HERE!
We have lots of beautiful giftware that has just arrived into the shop...
And a huge home décor selection that is absolutely stunning - I want one of everything ; )
Don't forget about our wide variety of beautiful, ready to hang, framed artwork!
We are so excited about the canvas giclees of WINTER are going to love them too!
And lots and lots of Christmas Cards to choose from...
We even have t-shirts too!
This is the perfect time of the year to buy everyone you know a 2017 calendar - hurry, quantities are limited!
Come one, come all, wear orange, wear red, bring you mom or your dad or your cousin or your dog but don't forget your pants - we look forward to seeing you soon ; )
For anyone who is unable to be with us in person to celebrate the Open House this weekend be sure to check your inbox for something special just for you, just from us! If you haven't signed up to receive our e-newsletters...this is a perfect time to get in on all the good deals - sign up HERE!
Wishing you a Happy Hallogivingmas!!
Love to all,