Tricks or Treats?... and Holiday Open House!
Halloween is upon us. This is the most bizarre holiday of all. I mean really, who has time to take a perfectly good productive evening to dress up looking ridiculous and go out Trick-or-Treating...let alone the time it takes to put together a costume. To my delight however, once we hit the streets and join the rest of the other crazies in the commonplace world - it is really a good time. My two youngest boys are still enchanted in this goulash, semi-scary holiday! The streets of Silver Lake were lit with carved pumpkins tonight with homes dresses in holiday lights of pink, purple, and orange. Squeals of excitement and even a few frady-cat screams filled the cool autumn night. We laughed and raced up and down the streets, and for an hour or so, I became a child too!
Living proof, you are as young (and foolish) as you feel! We made a haul, and as far as I can tell, our teeth should be good and rotten in a short couple of months!
Not to 'fast-forward' into the next season, but we at the Bonnie Mohr Studio would like to cordially remind you that our first of two Holiday Open Houses will happen this coming weekend....Nov.3-5th 9a-5p, and Nov. 6th 11a-4p. (No worries if you can't make it, we will repeat again Dec. 1-4) Lots of in house specials and goodies to eat...come one, come all! Hope to see you!! Thanks for reading.......and Happy November 1st to everyone : ) Bonnie