Thank Goodness for Cows, and Ice Cream!

Every so often, I just need to post one of my most popular and best selling cow prints, and definitely my personal favorite, THE BEAUTIFUL COW! When I look out my studio window, I can see the pasture just across the road and all the cows grazing, lounging, sleeping, and sharing the kindred spirit of motherhood and just being cows, and enjoying the good life! This painting makes me so happy and sometimes makes me wish I were a cow! But then who would paint them......?
Yesterday was also one of my top 10 favorite days of the year, National Ice Cream day!! And, surprise, ice cream is on my top 10 favorite foods list! When I go into an ice cream shop, which is not too often or let's just say I would look like a completely different person, it takes me a long time to pick just one ice cream, which is why I normally take a cup and put at least 3 different flavors into it! My cup would look something like Rocky Road, Praline Pecan, and Raspberry Rumble - there is no pattern here, and I need to be very careful not to mix these flavors up because I love each one so much ; ) Thank goodness for cows is the bottom line here : )
There is lots of crazy stuff happening around the farm these days! Yesterday was Sr. pictures day for Jake - I feel like I am dreaming! Is it possible that child number 4 (thankfully I will still have Zach here for 4 more years) is already a Sr. - It is and it's here! We finished the first half of 3rd crop hay yesterday, we had a staff meeting to review the remodeling of the website homepage and video (YEAH, I am super excited about this) and we are all enjoying our new puppy! WHAT A NEW PUPPY?? Yes, our beloved 13 year old Stella asked us for a pal so she doesn't have to do all the cattle herding by herself anymore, her arthritis has been acting up as of late. Meet 'Remi', our new yellow lab puppy!! The word 'high energy' has a renewed meaning in my life ; ) And Stella is loving him too!
Biggest event of the week is I'm preparing for a large family get-together at my house this weekend! Whew-wee, there is a ton of stuff to get done, and without my girls to help me, I am burning rubber on my tennis shoes and am sleeping great at night! I will give you a report next week on how things go - but there will be no painting for me this week, I got a house to clean, food to make, and events to plan!
Until then -