Sweet Summer Time!

So have I mentioned June Dairy Month yet? There are just some things we 'cow artists' get all cranked up about, and this is one of them. Maybe it's because we milk 80 cows? Maybe it's because my most favorite thing in the whole wide world is ice cream? Maybe it's just because I grew up on a dairy farm and we have raised our 5 children on one - but we love cows, and we love June Dairy Month...so much in fact, we are having another celebration! Now through Friday, if you purchase 3 of my new books ONCE THERE WERE NO COWS - you will receive a personalized free 8x10 mini print ($25 value) FREE!! Whooo hoo, or as we say Whooo Moo! I know that is a little corny, but it just seemed to fit there! The books make great wedding, birthday and baby gifts - keep the print for yourself ; ) SHOP NOW!
Whether you live on a dairy farm or not....June is loaded with awesomeness -
My peonies are now in full bloom - definitely my most favorite flower ever!
Campfires and smore's in our own backyard - no travel time to get to the cabin required - we just do it right here! Feel free to try this at home, simple and tasty too!
Green pastures! Our girls enjoy long sunny afternoons lounging on the back 40!
Not that I'm showing off - but you should just see our garden this year! Holy Cow! Lots of cow manure, plenty of rain and some warm weather have all been contributing factors here, but let's not overlook that it still takes someone to plant, hoe and weed this baby! We have all taken our turns....most recently was myself and Grandma Mohr. She is something else - 88 and going strong - show's me how it's done!
Do cows really give more milk in a freshly painted barn? Not sure on that one, but it's part of R&M on a dairy farm that needs to be done (especially for the milk inspector!) Long time painter and friend Gary is on this big 'sparkle and shine' job!
We are also enjoying lots of graduation parties and weddings! If this blog is just getting too long for you....feel free to sign off now....if you need a little humor - read on.
So last weekend, we headed to WI for a wedding. Packing and traveling are not my strong suite. I just don't seem to get it or plan very well. We needed to leave at 10am, and finally got on the road at 11:30am - we are already late, and we haven't even left home. Now, there is no time to stop at the hotel once we get there to change....as we get near the church, we pull into a Kwik Trip to get changed in the bathroom. I come out to see John sitting in the Explorer wearing his casual button down shirt, rather than the wedding clothes I'd packed, "What's up" I motion?...giving him a near death glare -like this is not time to be horsing around! I had packed our 16 year old's white shirt - other than he couldn't get it buttoned up and the sleeves only came a little past his elbows, he said it would have fit fine! OH well - get in - lets go. We pull into the parking lot 30 seconds before 3 pm, hustle into the church (you know in that 'frenzied', hurrying up style, trying to look like you're not late! ha!), sit down and the ceremony begins 4 seconds later. I must work on getting better at this kind of stuff! Did I mention my maiden name was Griswold? LOL
HAPPY JUNE DAIRY MONTH - again......... and don't forget to pre-order your 2016 Legacy Cow Calendar!
Thanks for reading!