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Summer Traditions

Is it just me, or does summer bring on the same daydream for everyone  - wishing they were a kid again, with a more carefree lifestyle? Desires of just wanting to lay on the lawn and soak up the sunshine, or spend time sitting on the front porch doing nothing, or have a campfire in the middle of the day - just because?  I think about not setting an alarm clock and just waking up whenever, to the song of birds outside the bedroom window, as the curtains blow gently in the summer breeze. I find myself wondering where all those campers are going as I am out running errands or getting groceries. Summer, more so than any other season, seems to fleet by in a blink, and I wish life would slow down sometimes : )

We do embrace a few traditions at the Mohr residence, however, that give us the chance to savor summer and enjoy this much loved season! One of them is a family outing to Target Field in Minneapolis to watch the MN Twins! Win or lose, it is one of my favorite summer events! Without fail, there are memories made each year, that we talk about  in the next years, over and over, as we all pack into a vehicle and head for the game. Last night was picture perfect, with blue skies, the perfect brats, seats up so high the bugs didn't find us, and every member of the family present! Oh - and we won the White Sox to boot. Our June calendar has also included fishing, gardening, graduation parties, first crop hay made, and is currently in full combat with mosquitos and weeds. It won't be long and we will be watching 4th of July fireworks, and going to the fair!

We are all ecstatic at Bonnie Mohr Studio with the huge amount of entries coming in for the best June dairy month photos - Thank you!  Remember, even if you don't win for that week, your photo stays in the competition for the following weeks. At the end of June, all Facebook fans will be able to vote for the winner!! This will be a great opportunity to share our contest, entries, and website with new friends!

And, in case you are wondering - yes, I am still painting! Even though I haven't been posting new things, you can be assured that there are some new things in progress - please be patient and please check back often!! THANK YOU - (after all, it is summer, and someone has to lay in the hammock!)

I wish you days filled with wonderful things that will make great memories for you this summer!

Thanks for reading...........
