State Fair SALE!

It's fair time!!! Most county fairs are over with a few wrapping up this week in MN. Attention is already shifting to the Great MN Get-Together beginning next week.....the Minnesota State Fair! It is the largest attended State Fair in the United States, and boasted 1.8 million fair goers last year! WOW! We have been fielding lots of phone calls wondering if we would be there again this year - we have grown in some new and different directions and will not be attending this year as an exhibitor. We still have the State Fair spirit though and are celebrating early!! Shop today, one day only and receive 15% off your entire order. Everything is on sale today, except the ONCE THERE WERE NO COWS Book, which is a long technical story in itself, so just trust me on this one ;)
We invite you to shop away!
Buy for your Christmas list!
Buy for yourself!
Buy today and you can spend your 15% savings on mini-donuts when you go to the fair! Plus, you won't have to carry your package around...we will be shipping it to you!
Most of all....just have fun shopping from the convenience of your home on your own time and in your PJ's if you like!
Life is funny this it changes over time - how your grow with your family. For years, we were part of the straw hauling, cattle clipping, washing rodeo, weeklong fair going families in our own local fair....the McLeod County Fair. Our daughters were crazy for it - sleeping overnight in the barns, showing cattle and entering a gazillion projects, competing in showmanship, and then came the nail-biting state fair line up. There were usually about 60 kids in the arena, with only 15 state fair trips to be awarded. Like most families, we ended up with our share of trips to the State Fair, and embraced the frenzy and excitement of it all. Then came the boys.....for a few years we convinced them that this was the, competition, fair-food, isn't it great? After awhile - it was clear that their hearts were engulfed in other things, like fishing, hunting, trap shooting, dirt biking, and so forth! Since I am a firm believer in the kids doing the work, and not the parents....we hung up our green shirts and moved in a new direction with the boys! For myself as well - being an exhibitor at the MN State Fair was one of the most memorable and exciting events of my year.....I LOVE THE FAIR! However, one needs to be practical about the reality of life, time, available resources, and your own goals. And so, after 13 years of being an exhibitor, last year I made the decision that my career as an exhibitor at the fair had run its course, and there were other things begging me into new directions and we made the decision to withdraw. Hence, we will still celebrate - online! Thanks for your calls, comments, and questions - from the fair or from our studio in Glencoe, MN - we appreciate and love you all!!
Thanks for reading.......