Spreading Good Will

People spreading Good Will....that is what this time of year means to me! I have had the 'shivers' twice this week, about two stories that involve Garth Brooks and embody 'good will'. He was in concert this past weekend in Minneapolis - I thought long and hard about getting tickets to go...but figured I should probably be at my Open House. I'm sure he missed me, but the concert went on! During the second show on Friday night, (which lasted until 3 am - wow!) he singled out a woman in one of the front rows who had a sign 'CHEMO THIS MORNING, GARTH TONIGHT!". He serenaded her, (her name was Teresa Shaw), with his music and gave her his guitar.....first shiver.
The other morning on Entertainment Tonight, Garth was on set for an interview and they surprised Garth with a visit from Teresa...she brought the guitar back, he sang to her again, and the awe of the reunion brought.....the second shiver. Good will....this is what this season is all about....good will.....doing something for someone else because you care and can make a difference! Garth will take Teresa's sign with him for the rest of his tour and keep it in his personal locker for strength! I have a special spot in my heart for Garth too....when he was on his first tour...some 12 or 15 years ago....I'm not even sure how long it's been - my husband and I were lucky enough to get tickets in the 8th row. I took a cow print, rolled in a tube with me, and was able to hand it to Garth....imagine that....his hand on one end of the tube and mine on the other! It was something ; ) To this day, I'm not sure who I would pick for a night on the town, given the chance.....Garth Brooks or Bon Jovi ;)
What will your act of Good Will be this holiday season? Share with us on our Facebook page.
Locally, I have the opportunity to give to the Food Shelf, donate diapers to Birthright, and give gently used winter coats to people who need them! It really is the most wonderful time of the year - a time we especially give and help those in need!
Anyway.....calendars will more than likely be sold out by the end of this week....order today if you want to get one :) Thanks to everyone who attending our first annual Gala Holiday Event! What a great turnout, and what fun....we are thankful for the wonderful weather and the wonderful turnout! If you were not able to join us....mark your calendar for December 6th, 9a-5pm. And just for the record....we are open Monday - Friday from 9am - 5pm - so stop in anytime that works for you - or by appointment on weekends.
Good Will - it is one of the most wonderful parts of this season, I hope you will be able to find time to participate :)
Thanks for Reading.....................