Mothers Day!

Happy Mother's Day!! Happy National Tourism Week!! Happy Spring Planting Season!! Wow, there is so much to celebrate, I hardly know where to start!! I'm happy to say that the trees are starting to bud out here in MN - it looked a little sketchy coming off our Antarctic Winter, but we are now enjoying some 60 degree temps - yeah!
As each year passes, my Mother's Day also changes. I remember and cherish the days of homemade projects coming home from school! My favorite was the infamous white Styrofoam cup with a mysterious little green seedling sprouting up just enough to peek over the rim. It would sit on the window sill for weeks, hoping to grow into something recognizable. The greatest success I remember was Kate's Sunflower - we transplanted it to the front side of the house, and by the summer's end, it was 6 foot tall! When the kids were little, I also enjoyed their 'breakfast in bed' treat. They would charge into my bedroom quite early with a cookie sheet of cold brown toast, cereal with milk they had poured on it 15 mn. earlier, and a glass of orange juice spilled all over the cookie sheet. They would all jump in bed with me, and help me eat! These are the moments a mother will never forget and wish you could do over again and again! One tradition I still look forward to every year is a trip to the Dairy Queen! You now know my deepest secret - I LOVE DQ!
We invite everyone in the world who is a part of a group or club to plan a tour to Bonnie Mohr Studio, as part of National Tourism Week! Please call ahead to schedule - it could be one big traffic jam if you all decide to come on the same day - you will enjoy a tour of the studio, a unique shopping experience, treats if you call ahead, and a tour of our lovely dairy farm!
Still working on my book.....slow and steady. Today's blog features a clipped sneak peek at one of the paintings - as soon as I come up with a title for the new book - I will begin to reveal more details! Stay posted - this is going to be exciting!!
From one mother to another, and everyone else too - HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!
Thanks for reading,