More Paintings and a Trip to the Hospital

AROUND THE STUDIO... I'm painting up a storm!! After a couple of years of 'wanting' to try some new styles and subject matter, I have made some progress in this area! The snowman painting and heifer piece are both samples of some new areas I've been thinking about for a long time! When my plans for these pieces are more concrete, I will share information with how they will be published. For sure, the snowman image will be available this year as a Christmas card. I also wanted to share the 'final' version of my sheep painting. This is a classic case of "just when you think you're done, you're not". I just kept looking at this painting, not liking something about it. I finally made some minor adjustments to it and now, "IT IS FINISHED"! I'm already working on some new things for you to see next week. (please note, none of these images are color corrected)
COW TALES AND FARM NEWS... Slow but sure - farmers in our area are just barely getting into the field. With the continued snow, rain and cold weather, this is proving to be a late spring. We pray for sunshine and warmer weather!!! The cows seem as confused as we are, not all all shedding off their winter hair, so John has had the cow clipper going steady. We're averaging more heifer calves than bulls this spring, so that is great.
FAMILY MATTERS... Tough break!! We've just endured 48 tough hours at our house, especially Zachary. After an unfortunate spill off the John Deere Gator, we headed for emergency - Glencoe Hospital. This is every parents nightmare. We knew it wasn't good - his poor little elbow had more bulges than a bag of onions. Three hours later, Zachary and I were in an ambulance headed to North Memorial Hospital in Minneapolis. After a very long night, and no sleep, we were finally going in for surgery at 8:30am. He had a wonderful Dr., and the surgery was a success. He had several dislocated bones, and his elbow is now in place with two pins. It was good to get back home last night, and our little patient is doing well, starting his recovery today! This is a time when everyone else in the family pitches in to keep the farm running! Thank you everyone!