Our family has just arrived back from a 10 day vacation to Hawaii!!! With our 25th Wedding Anniversary just two months away, the kids thought it would be a good idea if we all pack up and go somewhere really nice to celebrate this special occasion - and so we did!! Hawaii truly is the paradise everyone talks about. We spent two days on Oahu and a week on Maui. During our stay we saw Pearl Harbor, Dole Fruit Plantation, the North Shore Drive and many, many other cool spots. The weather was between 75-80 degrees, with more sunshine than rain! We surfed, snorkeled, zip-lined, swam, swam and swam some more, went to a great Luau, went whale watching, ate lots of great food and just relaxed by the pool! It was just an awesome trip and with a million memories!! We are happy to be home, and fully clothed are once again embracing winter! John is back in the barn, the kids are back in school and I am back in the studio!! I feel refreshed and have a new look on life once more! Thanks for reading, have a wonderful day! Bonnie