Christmas in July was a great success this past week! Thanks to everyone who stopped by to scoop up hot deals and stuff from the 'Bargain Bin'!!!! We had a wonderful turnout, and a lot of fun. Pictured here is our dedicated UPS man.....first shopper on the scene. He purchased this "just framed" 8×10 print of 'Living Life' as a birthday gift for his wife!!!! THANK YOU......this frame combination is awesome, more are ordered and on the way!! Things around here are busy, hot and dry!!! My schedule stays intense with the landscaping projects continuing (progress is steady), many activities with the kids, and I'm now moving into the phase of working with my printers in the cities - doing color proofing and planning a printing schedule for new art - so I'll have new things ready for sales beginning this fall. THIS WEEK.........I plan to complete the 4th "Cow Face" painting of SUMMER, and possibly move on to another chicken painting to add to my 'BIG BOY Series'. Other than that, the week includes 4-H Day Camp, Driver's Training, Gymnastics, more landscaping and the upcoming town celebration of Silver Lake Pola-chesky Days!! And of course, we keep praying for rain. Things are critical now, and I don't know how the crops are still hanging on. Wishing you a great week ahead! Thanks for reading......
June 05, 2013