Merry Christmas!

S i l e n t N i g h t ... Holy Night ... All is Calm ... All is bright! When I created 'Starlight', there was a peacefulness about this scene that resonated with me. I could hear the silence of the night, I could feel the warmth that radiated from this cow, and I could see the rhythm of the breathe that spilled from this live giving creature like a machine that works relentlessly through the night. I imagined the animals that were stalled in the barn with Mary and Joseph on the night baby Jesus was born...their tenderness and carefree spirits, certainly not knowing that the Savior was born in their very presence on that night. Every time I look at this painting, it reminds me of the innocence of animals, and the life giving essence they bare. It reminds me to slow down during this crazy hectic season to remember what really matters....helping those in need, loving those on our path, and sharing our time, talents, and tenderness with family and friends. It often crosses my mind that those who have less, really have more. That all the commotion and stress of the season robs us from the real meaning of the season.....and so, as I check my list twice for the things I still need to finish before Christmas, I also take time to sit down for a game of cards, make the kids favorite Chex mix, bake cookies for the church's list of those in homes, and donate to my favorite charities. These are the things that bring some of the richest rewards during this magical time of year. As this beautiful season settles upon you, and in your heart and in your home - I wish you genuine peace and love in your lives and in your homes.
" A Merry Christmas to us all, God Bless us, everyone!"
Thanks for reading...........
PS...I almost forgot! For those who inquired about our families traditional BEER CHEESE soup that I serve on Christmas Eve...please click HERE!