"I DO" Giveaway!

A lot of exciting things start happening this time of year....the days are becoming noticeably longer (Yeah!), tax season is in full swing (Oh joy!), but leading the list for me is wedding season (Exciting!) - maybe because we just married our daughter or maybe because there is so much joy and happiness centered around this blissful event, we at Bonnie Mohr Studio would like to celebrate too! This is our 3rd year of honoring a lucky couple getting married or celebrating a special anniversary - the  winner will be announced Wednesday, March 2nd! The winning couple will receive a signed and numbered, personalized (by Bonnie), framed print of I DO!! Here is how you can enter:

1. LIKE us on Facebook (Click HERE!)

2. SHARE our Facebook post about our I DO giveaway

3. No Facebook? No problem! Simply CLICK HERE to send us an email, include the name and date of the special couple you would like to enter in the drawing! 

Be the first to know about sales & promotions going on at Bonnie Mohr Studio by subscribing to our e-mail list! Click HERE to sign up! Good Luck to everyone ; )

The other great thing about this time of year is V A C A T I O N S ! Pick a destination, plan a trip, pack your bags and get out of town (or off the farm in our case) and enjoy a little R & R !! John and I have never taken a lot of time for vacations - between the kids, the cows, and two businesses - we just don't seem to get away. Through a series of events, however, this year it IS going to happen - we are taking a cruise in a few days! Neither of us are big water buffs,  John gets motion sickness and we did not have time to tan - I am convinced however that we need this vacation and it will be fun!! Will send pictures in a future blog to show you our happy vacationing faces!!

Time to dig out some suitcases! Thanks for reading...............
