Happy June!

There are so many things to celebrate in June, it is almost hard to concentrate! June Dairy Month would be at the top of the list. We celebrate cows and the wonderful people who care for them! Really, what would become of us, without cows.....what would chocolate milk shakes be without ice cream, pizza without cheese, and Cheerios without milk! This would be a classic case of a nonsense, non-dairy world! We've already put our girls out to pasture - there is nothing they love more - frolicking about like children in a park. Please enjoy plenty of dairy products this month! (Our cows thank you!) We have also recently celebrated our 3rd daughter's graduation from high school! I realize that bragging is not a flattering or desirable quality, so as a proud parent, I would just like to inform you that she was named Valedictorian of her class! Not boasting, I'm just saying. Congrats Tay - it's wonderful to know that hard work does pay off! She is packing her bags for college and I am preparing for an even emptier nest! My once crowded, chaotic world of five children tugging on my pant legs will be down to young boys (quickly growing into young men) and I will now: learn how to fish, increase my time allotment for basketball rebounding, and spectate more of their trap shooting events! Life just keeps rolling... Also in celebration this month, is honor to all dads! To the men who coach little league, teach their kids how to change a tire, and tirelessly man the grill - we say THANK YOU! There is no one in the world who can replace the father (or father figure) in a child's life. I remember the strong, guiding, loving touch my dad had on me as I grew up, and to this day, I know how blessed I am to have such a wonderful dad who continues to shine in my life! And so......we now bring you this SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT FOR FATHER'S DAY! Friday through Monday, we will offer 30% off any framed 8x10 mini-print of Living Life, Have Holsteins?, Springs Arrival, and The Beautiful Cow! If you haven't already signed up for our email announcements, do so today. We will be sending an email announcement tomorrow with details!! Or give us a call at 800-264-6647 and we will be happy to help you! Back to work ? Happy June EVERYONE! Thanks for reading, Bonnie