We arrived back home safe and sound on Sunday, October 9th from "yet again, our biggest week of the year"!! This year's arena display was beautiful, with purple shavings that wowed the cattle on them! Record cow, exhibitor, and spectator numbers made this year's event one of the best ever. I would also like to tribute my great staff - Lana, Tami, Karen, Nancie, Jayne and John. These are the people who make it happen! They endured sore feet, blisters, a couple of topples to the ground, strained facial 'smile' muscles, and time away from their families - all to make it a successful show for Bonnie Mohr Studio! I am lucky to have such a great team - Thank You girls (& John too!). And thank you to the staff and volunteers of World Dairy Expo, a great week and great opportunity to be a part of this international dairy event!
Back at home...the beans harvest is complete, averaging 49 bushels/acre. Today we'd planned to start with high moisture corn but are experiencing a little rainfall as I type this....badly needed I might add. We haven't had rain for almost 2 months, and things are extremely dry. The football season wraps up this week, my college kids are entering mid-term tests, and I am desperately trying to get back to painting. Hopefully very soon! October blessings to each and every one of you..... Thanks for reading, Bonnie