June 05, 2013
From the Studio

You are invited!! to the Bonnie Mohr Studio Holiday Open House!! The cold crisp nights, and barren trees are sure signs that the holidays are just about here! We would like to cordially invite you to our Open House this weekend, and next. Click here for all the details!! (these photos are a quick peek at Bonnie Mohr Studio)
Just a reminder to check out our on-line gallery to see all the newest artwork and framing selections that are now available. Please give us a call if you have any questions.
Diane, Carolyn, Karen, Lana and myself are here to assist with your shopping questions and orders!! Also, be watching your mailbox - our holiday newsletter and updated catalog insert just mailed this week. New artwork is highlighted along with the return of our popular 'Buy 3 get the 4th One Free' holiday sale. By the way, the Nov/Dec. issue of Minnesota
Moments is out and about, I am honored and pleased to have one of my newest paintings 'The Home Place', on it's cover. You can check it out at Minnesota Moments. So remember...Be jolly, hang the holly, avoid the folly! Santa is watching!! Thanks for reading,