Farwell for a little while...

There really aren't enough beautiful, positive, or complimentary describing words in the English vocabulary for me to tell you all the wonderful things I love about Grandma Mohr, and actually, what everyone loved about Grandma Mohr. As I write this blog, you may already have learned, but our beloved Grandma Mohr has passed from this planet and surely has now taken her respectable and well earned place in Heaven. She passed away peacefully last Thursday, March 29th at the 'still young' age of 91 ½! Grandma's heart lived a full and happy life, but she was ready to go and be with Grandpa for Easter - how fitting, her favorite holiday, with her favorite Easter Lily in her room.
Our family both mourns and celebrates this great lady! I think I can best sum up my feelings of her this way: when I grow up, I want to be just like her! She left very very big "Grandma Mohr" shoes to fill, and she is everything I hope I can be when I become a Grandma ;) This blog is a celebration and tribute to the late Grandma Mohr, whom many of you know and loved almost as much as our family does, as she was a guest vlogger on the Bonnie Mohr Studio website!
She was most special, just because she was Grandma Mohr! Thank you Grandma, for EVERYTHING!
She and our late Stella had a magical telepathy bond! They shared the front porch couch 50-50!
She loved the farm life, and she LOVED cows...you might recognize this prize Holstein...yes, it's 'Emma', the feautured cow in THE BEAUTIFUL COW and WINTER ROBIN paintings.
She LOVED to garden, she taught me everything I know, and then some ;)
And she loved to PICKLE!! She taught us that too!..we still can her famous 'Jean Pickle' Recipe!!
Coloring Easter eggs was something she enjoyed each Easter...she said her's were the brightest!!
Do you think she was proud of her grandchildren???? She didn't miss a game ;)
She loved tractor rides...........
And making Kolache's
And going to Lola's to eat!!!
And being a part of every special family occasion - like Jacob's Confirmation
Sometimes we both had a bad hair day
But we had good hair days too...besides...she is beautiful no matter what!
I guess that's why I love John so much...he is the spitt'in image of Grandma Mohr!!
Thank you Grandma Mohr for everything...you lived life full and complete, with a happy heart and generous spirit and made everyone feel special. Say HI to Grandpa for us - and we'll see sometime soon...after all, life is a blink!
With Love,
Your Family