June 05, 2013
Duties of August
The duties of August fill our lives! This is the month of the year that implores our time and attention for the many events that we have been preparing for since May! The garden, the crops, and the fair take center stage around our place. We spent the weekend picking tomatoes, cucumbers, and yes more green beans! Some of the cucumbers were sliced and diced and already eaten, while other were packed into jars and are transforming into pickles as we speak! Zach helped make his first batch of pickles this year!
Neighbor Eilene helps with the "pickle project!"
The guys have finished 4th crop hay already - a record early year! And the final week of work begins as the kids get ready for county fair next week - the craziest, most stressful, and most fun week of the summer for them! As a parent, it is also a handy time for teaching...about the responsibility of harvest, the importance of timeliness to get work done, and good sportsmanship no matter what color the ribbon or placing. Good luck to all families embarking on the 'fair trail' this month!!
Jacob & Zach training their show heifers for the fair.
My hopes to show you the next piece of artwork 'in progress' in this blog, remains a 'hope' and not a reality. But then, I am posting within a week - so you have to give me credit for that..it's not like a month has passed!! I'll do the best I can to 'show and tell' as soon as possible. Bonnie Mohr Studio is busy preparing for the MN State Fair, which is only about 2 weeks away now! I've been on the trail, searching for more grid-panels so that we don't have to tear down, in the shop. Also, checking out new lights for the booth and maybe even adding carpet!! This year marks our 10 year Anniversary of exhibiting at the MN State Fair - we are planning a great event and a great promotion..stay posted friends!
Lots to explore! Don't forget to stop in and see Bonnie in the Lee and Rose Warner Coliseum
This month's website special..buy any 4 packages of note or Christmas cards and get the 5th one free!! A great little offer - and timely incentive to start buying your Christmas cards now, while selection is good!! This is also the perfect time of the year to order your print of 'PUMPKIN PATCH,' you will love this sweet piece hanging in your home for the next few months!
'Pumpkin Patch' is available in cards, prints, and giclees!
Thought for the day: "Just think how happy you'd be if you lost everything you have right now - and then got it back again." Thanks for reading...enjoy your life today! - Bonnie