AROUND THE STUDIO... Dear Friends, so sorry about no blog last week. Time just got away from me, and I didn't seem to get it done. First off, wanted to thank everyone for voting for the favorite title idea for my new sheep painting. It looks like 'Hey Ewe' was the top vote getter!!! THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR TAKING TIME TO VOTE! (For those who are confused, we did an e-newsletter a couple weeks back, and you could vote for your favorite title choice then.) Wanted to let you know... we will have another e-newsletter coming out very soon. It seems to be a great way to keep in touch with everyone, let you know what's happening around the Studio and bypass the high cost of postage. If you would like to get on the list, just send us your email address. Pictured here is a view of my newest painting. Not quite sure about the title yet, but it will become a part of my new 'Inspirational' art line. I'm thinking it will have a verse to go with it, and hope to have it published later this year. As for titles, I'm leaning towards 'I Am the Bread of Life'....we shall see!!
COW TALES AND FARM NEWS... so much happens on the farm in the spring, what a fun time of the year. Our lilacs blooming in the back yard is a part of my 'Top Ten Favorite Things' list... as you can see just how fabulously beautiful they are!! Jacob has also been busy honing his hunting skills. He is becoming a skilled marksman, and declined the pigeon population by hitting 3 in-a-row this weekend! Yeah Jacob!! John and his crew have all the crops planted, and now we wait for rain. It continues to be quite chilly though in MN, with highs only in the 60's and low 70's this week. Most years we are getting ready to cut alfalfa this week, but it looks doubtful.
FAMILY MATTERS... A garden!! A real Garden!! The boys put in a beautiful garden this past weekend... THANK YOU, THANK YOU! My idea of a garden is only to drive around and look at other peoples' gardens, and I normally shop at the Farmers Market, or my gracious neighbors bring me their extras. Lets face it, there are only 24 hours in a day, and so I choose flowers over a garden. Now it looks like I will have the best of both worlds. We will see how this goes!! The girls are busy with mowing lawn, helping me with yard work, chores, finals at school, and lots more. The boys are playing baseball and on Wednesday, Zachary will get his cast off already!! Thanks for reading, I wish you all joy during this beautiful and happy time of the year, when all God's creation comes to life once again.