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60 Miles Begins with the First Step

I did it!  Less than 48 hours ago, I was on the final stretch of walking the Susan G Komen 3-Day, 60-mile race for the cure of breast cancer with my girlfriend and co-walker Suzy Demeester!  What an adventure.  I happily report that we not only walked 60 miles, but embraced the joy and fellowship of 1,400 other walkers, survived camping two nights in a 5'x5' pink pup tent, saw some of the most beautiful scenic parks and trails in Minneapolis and St.Paul, experienced showering in a semi trailer, and experienced one of the greatest physical, emotional and spiritual events of our lives.  It was awesome, and just for the record...we walked every single mile and even have a bragging number!  On day two, we had our biggest walking day of all...22 miles - Suzy and I came in 124th!!  Not too shabby for two amateurs like us :)  
Participating in this event was, for me, an awakening that we all need sometimes. It reminded me that it is important to 'get out of your box' once in do something new, and exhilarating, and challenging.  The feelings you experience from doing something different than your normal busy routine, evoke a new chord of adrenaline and excitement, a recharge of sort.  It was an absolute wonderful event. Thank you to all who supported us in this cause....your well wishes, words of encouragement, coaching and financial contributions were all amazing.  You shared in our experience through the love and generosity you showed.  THANK YOU! An extra special thank you to my team at Bonnie Mohr Studio!  I have the greatest staff in the world....they have been working hard at the MN State Fair, and because of them, I was able to do the Komen walk.  Thank you Lana, Tami, Karen, Alyssa, Nancie, Jayne and Taylor - you guys are the BEST!  For those of you who haven't visited yet....we hope to see you at the fair! Signing off for now....I am on the schedule for the fair tomorrow, so I have lots to get done yet today. Thanks for reading... Bonnie