I'm not sure why I feel this sense of urgency... but as I sit to write this, I realize that January is more than half gone, and I'm not really sure I've accomplished anything yet. How is that possible...? I'm busy all day long, moving at clipper pace most days. I feel as though I'm standing at the foot of Mountain 2010, and the race is on for another year. This would be a good time to take a deep breath, count my blessings, say a prayer, have a cup of strong coffee and charge! And so I will...
AROUND THE STUDIO... things are busier than usual right now... as Flat Stanley arrived in the mail this week, all the way from KY. (If you're unfamiliar with Flat Stanley, just Google him - lots of info!) I took him with me to the Gift Market at UMAGA in Minneapolis over the weekend, where I was a featured artist at Michelle & Co. Showroom. We met and talked with lots of customers. Stanley really loved all the beautiful giftware he saw that day!! At the shop, we are working on marketing plans for the new year - which has involved a good share of time. I'm also finalizing details for a couple of commissions, which hopefully I can share with you soon!
COW TALES AND FARM NEWS... We've had a nice break in the cold spell, which has made outdoor work manageable. John has had a few long nights, checking cows at 2 and 3am for calving. This is also the time of year for meetings and seminars, so he gets to one here and there. All is well.
FAMILY MATTERS... We've reached the halfway mark for school - crazy!! Where does time go...! The boys are busy wrestling - both Jacob and Zach had a first place win last weekend. Taylor is out of gymnastics for a bit with a sprained ankle. Kate is busy working and preparing for the ACT test! Amanda is back to college - studying, shadowing for Physical Therapy Assistant, and working! We manage to find a little time for sledding at Rocket Hill in between school, homework, sports and chores. I don't seem to take the ride like I used to - but it's good exercise walking back up the hill! Please continue to pray for the people of Haiti... I just read about the second earthquake that struck this morning at 6am, measuring a magnitude of 6.1. Devastating. If you wish to make a contribution, please refer to my last blog... details are posted. Thanks for reading - have a great day!