Card - The Christmas Ball
Cats.....To know them is to love them!! I would have to admit, I am a fair-weather fan when it comes to cats....but I would like you to meet Harper, my cat! He is special, at least to me, just as most cats are to their owners. If Harper were a person, he would be the guy to pull the fire alarm, run, and you would take the hit for it. He would be the guy that would show up late, and expect the front row seat. He would be the guy who would not shower, show up in barn clothes and he would still melt your heart! I caught Harper one day, lounging on my living room couch because he snuck in the house when someone left the door open.....he took ownership of that couch in less than 5 minutes. He wouldn't move unless I promised to paint his picture.......whallla ! Presenting Harper in THE CHRISTMAS BALL! View more Christmas and animal artwork by Bonnie Mohr.
Christmas Card Verse:
"Wishing you peace, love and joy this Holiday Season"
View more Christmas cards by Bonnie Mohr.
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