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Savoring Summer!

I reluctantly look at the calendar today and realize that summer is slipping away, quickly! Each year, about now, I go into my "Wow! I can't believe summer is almost over!" mind set. Again, I use the word "bittersweet" with lingering thoughts of the many great summer joys and events we celebrated, comes the anticipation of my most loved season of all - AUTUMN! The signs of summer's end are everywhere! The oat and wheat fields are harvested, the corn is drying off, the mum plants are stocked at every grocery store and landscape center around, the bittersweet is starting to ripen, the bus schedule for school has arrived, the MN State Fair kicks off tomorrow and already some of the leaves are turning yellow and falling to the ground. Sadly, I have yet to make salsa - as we are almost a month behind this year with the late spring (but my youngest did bring me 8 lovely red tomatoes from the garden yesterday, so I know the time draws near!) Meanwhile: the days are steady and demanding at the shop! Our first showing at the Art Crawl at the MN Landscape and Arboretum is in the bag - a super fun event with a chance to make many new friends, the booth is set up and we are ready to kick off the MN State Fair tomorrow, and a new catalog for Bonnie Mohr Studio is in the works!! (Completion date scheduled for mid-October.) For the moment, however, I am going to concentrate on TODAY! My calendar square for today has nothing written on it.....that means I get a full day of painting!! Just finishing my second peony painting (you will get a look next week). Thanks for reading - Savor the summer! Bonnie