Magical time of year

It's the magical time of year when your heart invites you to do special things for those around you... when snowflakes add extra beauty and excitement to shopping and caroling...when you take time to bake favorite holiday recipes for parties and gatherings!!! It's also the time of year when two hands aren't enough, when you stay up extra late or get up extra early to clean up the decorating aftermath mess, and when the 'to-do' list seems way too long to do. So, do take time to enjoy the wonder of it all...sit down today, even if it's only for 5 minutes and thumb through your favorite Nativity Story Book (with a hot cup of cocoa) - and things will come back into focus and you will feel the calm and peace that you are meant to, during this holy time of the year!
IN THE STUDIO... It was an exciting day last Friday, when John Gross of KSTP Channel 5 Minneapolis arrived at Bonnie Mohr Studio. We spent the morning shooting a segment that will air on Tuesday, December 16 between 4:30 and 5pm. This man was amazing, sharing his stories and travel adventures with us. He followed me around and filmed, from painting in the studio, to the office, and then outdoors with the cows! It was fun and exciting too - thanks John for this opportunity. We will post a link on our website within a week! Still time to order your holiday gifts!!!! We will ship your orders the same day they come in! Call for express shipping.
COW TALES AND FARM NEWS... COLD, COLD, COLD! Everyone is chilled outside, as temps hit single digits this week. John spent most of the day thawing waterers and getting the tractors started. (Don't ya love Minnesota!!) The big news... three live heifer calves in a row!! With a gestation period of 9 months, and then many countless nights of 2am maternity checks, the arrival of each little baby is important! And since we were running a streak of bulls, this is exciting.
FAMILY MATTERS... The family has already made happy trails to two wrestling tournaments and one gymnastics meet! All kids are doing well and enjoying their season's. The focus during this time of the year though, is getting the house decorated for Christmas and getting the tree up. This year was a triumph for us! All seven family members participated, drank eggnog, listened to Christmas music, DID NOT FIGHT, and stayed to the end... even helping me clean up the mess and put away all the boxes! Wow! Does life get any better than this. Come on now... you all know what I mean... - it usually starts out fine, and within 15 minutes the lights are tangled, the eggnog is spilled on the floor, the fighting has erupted and everyone leaves in a huff, and you got it, MOM ends up decorating the tree!! So, I have already received a wonderful gift having enjoyed this holiday rally with my family. Thanks! Wishing all joy, laughter, and peace during this Holiday Season! Thanks for reading,